after watchin enchanted twice n listenin to d wonderful n meaningful soundtracks of dat movie(tho its fairy tale/reality), i feel dat everyone's life is like a fairy tale, somewhere in one's life will they have their happily ever after..cos in d movie there were ups n downs in Giselle's life..but she made it a happily ever after once she have overcome her obstacle..imagine in a foreign land..n know no one ard u, n wen u finally meet someone dat is kind n helpful (tho its hard to find a sincere kind person in d real world), its like u've found somethin so precious dat u wud not wanna lose..n for her she found her "true loves kiss"..hehe..
we all can live happily ever after once we've found our true jus takes time for some of us..but again..ever notice in fairy tales, they oni show where they get married..after dat its up to u to decide wat happens..hehe..cos marriage isnt a bed of roses eh..dats wat adults say la..we've yet to know wat they mean..neways life is too short to not b happy..rite?? a fren of jason thong told kris n i yest.." dun pretend to b happy, but be happy"..
i did dis post cos i cudnt stop listening to So Close by Jon Mclaughlin and Ever ever After by Carrie Underwood..these songs realli can bring emotions out of me..daym..i dunno whether its d song or i jus feel sad..hahaha..So close is a song dat somehow shows dat they're so close to each other n they wan to b wit each other but their relationship is not more than such a lovely song..both kris n i were listenin to dat song all d way bak from pavilion..we tried to put d meanings into words but end up sayin " u know wat i mean rite? *laughs*" hehe..
ohh..y were we in pavilion..lets was jason thong's bday n kris wanted to get shirt for him n wanted me to accompany her..n since i needed to get xmas presents,so drove down n met her there ard 12.20..we lined up at for donuts..daym those r some real good tasting donuts..hehe..lined up for more than an hour..once we got our donuts, we made our way to Evita Peroni to get my hairclip..wanted to replace ma "fish-like" clip cos misplaced it after LnL but d price marked up like mad..45 bucks for dat..i'll got d clip i wanted for xmas..simple n sheek..its an in between color of silver n after dat, we went to d lobby to c d xmas performance..boy was d xmas deco's amazing..n as usual, kris n i went whoring wit her fon..lolz..dats wat we do best aite..
after that it was off to Parkson..walked in n sprayed some Coco Madamoiselle..jus cant get enuf of dat perfume..headed to d men's department to scout for shirts..she wanted to get her bro a hot red shirt..but there werent any HOT we were choosing d pink striped shirts..there were afew n took us some time to decide which wan we wanted..
after dat we went to d customer service centre to get d shirt boxed n wrapped..
then it was off to memory lane n kris to dragon i..bought some xmas presents n den joined bak wit ma partner at dragon i..hehe..sorry kris for makin u wait =p altho we din order much but it was good enuf to last us till nite..hehe..after dat, went to get some candies for d kids as xmas gifts..n off were we headin bak home..
n d whole way bak we were jus listenin to "So Close" from kris fon..yeah so u can imagine how many times we repeated it..hehe..dat song is jus so soothing..
b4 droppin kris off, she asked me if i wanted to follow her n her bro to laundry for dinner..came home n told ma mum n she said ok..later oni i knew dat her bro was having dinner wit his colleagues at Italiannies n we were suppose to decide wat we wanted to do d rest of d punk'd?? hehe..oh well..started askin ppl if they wanted to meet us up..that was wen i realised how important i was to ma frens..all those i asked replied daym fast n some even shocked me..hehe..n thank god benji n eg said they cud make it but late..if not god knows la wat we're gona do..both us gals..oh n i met elias for d first time..he's a cute chubby fella =P
we reached there abt 6+ n we went walkin a Jason's cake..den sat in Itallianies for a while b4 we headed out to walk n to join in d Triumph street was not called up to d stage twice..won some freebies..was close to winnin a goody bag..bummer..but at least i got called up..phat fabs said i had a catwalk walk..*shakes head*..den we were entertained by some tribal group n daniel yee..after dat, d guys arrived..n since ben haven went to thai express..drinks there were not bad..for mine at least..tried some of ben's fried rice..aso not bad..liked d sauce..oh n we were playin wit d lighter..tryin to learn elias yeng way of openin d head of d lighter..hehe..
den we jus walked ard..went to find pool table but end up walkin ard n whoring all over "the street"..hehe..after a few rounds of walkin n whoring..d guys took off for heritage i think..kris n i joined bak jason's group of lawyers..they r one bunch of happening lawyers i tell u..hehe..ard 1+ we left for home..oh while walkin bak to our car..kris n i started dancing/skipping to So Close..since i din know d lyrics jus kept singing "a life goes by..." n kris continued "romantic dreams must i bid mine goodbye.."while she continued singing n i continued humming...hehe..we're jus both addicted to dat song eh..
it was a tiring day for me dat i crashed at d bak seat till i reached home..hehe..
guess dats abt all for dis think abt how to have ur own happily ever after..i'm not being childish but i do believe in happily ever after.. =P
tc god bles..
have a blessed week..
Ps: will upload d pics once kris pass it to me ;)
a life goes by...
romantic dreams will STOP
so i bid mine goodbye and never knew...
not die la!...hahaha...yea dont pretend to be happy...just be happy aye!!....makes sense...=)
ooopss.dat shows how well i know ma lyrics..sorry babe..hehe..yes b happy..
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